Comprehensive and professional services
for construction projects
from Liftrock
Liftrock projects provide comprehensive services in the construction industry: from preparation to occupation approval. Together, we are a major player in the industry. Clients can rely on us primarily as experienced professionals who deliver quality output.

Our Project Portfolio
Contract Management Czech Republic
Contract Management is an originally Czech consulting company providing administration, analysis and management services for construction projects. It assists clients with time and financial management for construction, claims recognition, construction law, contractual standards (Czech or FIDIC) and engineering activities (communication with authorities).
Contract Management Slovakia
Contract Management in Slovakia provides consulting services in the field of preparation, management, construction administration and design activities. The main areas of expertise include supervision, contract administration, expert reports, interpretation and assessment of contract terms (FIDIC).
Quality Management
Quality Management is a team of construction experts who specialise in technical supervision of construction (TSC) for construction works and coordinate occupational health and safety at a construction site (OHS coordinator).
Proconom Software
Proconom Software is an expert on the digitalisation of the construction industry. It is developing the unique PROCONOM system for the management and recording of construction projects. It is the most comprehensive tool of its kind on the Czech market for construction companies, as well as for public and private investors. It also provides expert services in BIM and project management.
TechPro Management
TechPro Management specialises in industrial construction projects. It provides project management and engineering activities with regard to the specifics of industrial buildings, water works, energy infrastructure construction, brownfield regeneration and environmental buildings. The company has specialists for permitting activities (contractual standards, EIA, occupation approvals), investor’s technical supervision, health and safety coordination and construction supervision.